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What customers are saying about 8 in 1 Foam Sparkle

Easy Cleaning
Emily S. Verified Review
Foam Sparkle is a game-changer! I dreaded cleaning my toilet, but this simple powder made it a breeze. Just pour, wait, and flush - it's that easy. My toilet looks and smells fresh every time.
Scrub-Free Clean
Mike R. Verified Review
I'm not one to write reviews, but Foam Sparkle deserves a shoutout. No more scrubbing for me! It works like magic, and the best part? Like I said, no more scrubbing!
So Easy!
Sophia B. Verified Review
Foam Sparkle is a lifesaver! As a busy mom, I appreciate anything that makes my cleaning routine quicker, especially anything to do with cleaning the toilet.
Best toilet cleaner on the market
Chris M. Verified Review
I'm impressed! Foam Sparkle turned a dreaded chore into a quick and painless task. It gets the job done without the need for elbow grease. It's now a must-have in my cleaning arsenal.
It’s like magic!
Jessica H. Verified Review
I used to avoid cleaning the toilet, but not anymore. The powder works its magic, and I can flush away any worries about stains. Cleaning the toilet is now an easy task.
No more stains
Daniel P. Verified Review
I've tried various toilet cleaners to get some stubborn stains out of my toilet bowl, but only Foam Sparkle did the trick. The simplicity of pour, wait, and flush is genius. No one wants to scrub and now we don’t have to.
Frequently asked questions

Yes, Foam Sparkle is septic-safe. The formula is designed to be gentle on plumbing and septic systems, ensuring effective cleaning without causing any harm.

For best results, we recommend using Foam Sparkle once a week. However, you can adjust the frequency based on your cleaning needs and usage patterns.

Foam Sparkle is compatible with all types of toilets, including traditional, high-efficiency, and dual-flush models.

No, Foam Sparkle has a mild and pleasant scent. It leaves your toilet smelling fresh without overwhelming your bathroom with strong chemical odors.

Foam Sparkle is specifically formulated for toilet bowls. While it's not designed for general bathroom surfaces, our product efficiently targets and eliminates toilet stains.

We recommend waiting a minimum of 20 minutes before flushing. This gives the powder ample time to dissolve stains and thoroughly clean the toilet bowl.

Foam Sparkle is safe when used as directed. However, we recommend keeping the product out of reach of children, and pets should not ingest or come into direct contact with the powder.

You can expect your order to be delivered within 2-3 business days.

If you are dissatisfied with Foam Sparkle for any reason, please visit our support page to find out more about returns.

Our family operation is located in Akron, Ohio.

bought: x Foam Sparkle. JUST NOW

Verfified Purchase

Amazing Deal!

Foam Sparkle is a game-changer for lazy cleaners like me. The simplicity of using the powder is unmatched. It's effective, and I don't have to spend ages scrubbing.

Jason D.

Verified Purchase

Premium Quality

Finally found a toilet cleaner that delivers on its promise! Foam Sparkle is easy to use, and the results are fantastic. No need to dread toilet cleaning day anymore. Highly recommend giving it a try!

Olivia G.

Verified Purchase